We invite everyone to be part of our activities and to work together to advance solutions for the future. Indirectly or directly, individually and independently, yet together. For more impact, more change and a world we all want to live in. What would you like to contribute?
We Believe that Everyone Can Make a Difference
Countless ideas, mutual support, and big common goals – learn more about the people and organizations that make up the ProjectTogether community.

How and Why We Do What We Do
We are a community of pragmatic idealists. We think big and act courageously as well as in a solution-oriented manner. We believe in the potential of every individual, and build bridges – between young and old, between new solutions and established players, between society, politics, and business. We take responsibility for our future.
Societies are complex and an intertwined collection of interdependencies and actors. That’s why we think in systems and look for the most powerful levers available to effect social change. Our guiding principle is “Impact First” – we always want to contribute to long-term positive, systemic change through our immediate impact. We weigh each of our decisions against this backdrop.
We are courageous and dare to think as big as possible at all times – we usually set our goals so high that others sometimes consider them unrealistic, but to us, this simply acts as additional motivation to achieve them. We aren’t afraid to go down new and unfamiliar paths and view societal challenges as opportunities for progress. We are convinced that courage comes from action, and we encourage the rapid implementation of solutions.
We create an appreciative relationship and interact with each other as equals. We actively build bridges between various stakeholders and also want to make partnerships that are supposedly impossible succeed. We encourage all ProjectTogether community initiatives to support each other and share access, knowledge, and resources where possible. We respect the intellectual property of others and use the ideas of others only with their consent.
We believe in the potential within every human being and have the confidence in others to grow beyond themselves. To us, it is people’s ambition that counts, not what’s on their resume. Not every idea and every team is always the right one, but we are sure that whoever actively tackles social problems will grow from the challenge.
We act pragmatically and in a solution-oriented manner, impartially and independently. In doing so, we are guided by the phrase “when in doubt, try it out.” We also make mistakes, but we learn from them every time – we cultivate this healthy no-blame culture in order to keep getting better. We act as intelligently as possible, as quickly as possible, as effectively as possible.
Collective Action needs each and every one of us.

Du wünschst Dir einen Job mit Sinn?
Du hast den Willen, an zukunftsfähigen Lösungen mitzuwirken? ProjectTogether sucht Mitstreiter:innen für die Transformation.

Über Grenzen hinausdenken. Ausprobieren, entdecken, weiterkommen. Bestehendes hinter sich lassen. Als gemeinnützige Organisation und Innovationsplattform wollen wir mit ProjectTogether die Talente der nächsten Generation darin unterstützen, bahnbrechende Ideen weiterzudenken und konkrete Lösungen für unsere Zukunft zu entwickeln. Unser Schlüssel zur Transformation: Neue Formen der Zusammenarbeit in allen Wirkungsbereichen.

Als unabhängiger Akteur können wir schnell handeln und zugleich mit allen Akteur:innen zusammenarbeiten. Für sie schaffen wir Räume, wo neue Formen der Zusammenarbeit möglich sind. Doch nach welcher Haltung jedes Einzelnen verlangt dieses neue Zusammenwirken?