With your contribution you support ProjectTogether in the implementation of our thematic missions, or enable scholarships and funds to be forwarded to projects that are implemented by partners within the framework of our missions. You would like to learn more about the financing of our activities or become a supporter? We look forward to hearing from you!
Our Funding Partners
Nonprofit meets for-profit, public sector meets private sector, foundations meet individual philanthropists. We also rely on alliances with partners from different sectors to fund our organization and the processes we manage. This is because whatever we can’t achieve on our own, we make possible together – and thus create new funding structures.
ProjectTogether’s Institutional Funding Partners
Since 2020, ProjectTogether has been supported by four institutional funding partners: Schöpflin Foundation, MSR Social Impact gGmbH, Holzer Group, and NOVENTI Health SE.
With a nonprofit foundation, a nonprofit organization created from a family office, a single-family office, and a health company, ProjectTogether is supported by a consortium of nonprofit and for-profit organizations. Multiyear base funding gives us the freedom to take action where our approaches and ways of working can have the greatest impact.
Funding Partners of our Missions
Thank You!
The ProjectTogether team would like to thank everyone who makes our activities financially possible, for their confidence in us, and their courage to break new ground together.
The annual transparency report lists all funding partners, their funding amount and the respective share of the total budget. So far, the transparency report is only available in German.